About Physician



About Physician

    • Clinical and scientific working experience in pediatric and adult radiation oncology more than 14 years including educational activity (training of residents-radiologists)
    • One of the leading specialists in the area of radiological diagnostics of breast diseases and inflammatory bowel disorders, as well as in radiological diagnostics in pediatric oncology



    • Completed Department of General Medicine of Karaganda State Medical Institute in 1998
    • Passed training in 2008 in Vienna (Austria) on the subject: Fetus Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • Completed Master’s degree program in Medical Academy Astana in 2015 majoring in “Medicine”


    Main areas of clinical and scientific activity

    • Breast MRI
    • MR- enterography
    • MRI in case of fetus abnormalities


    Additional training and probation:

    • Passed training in the USA, Germany, Israel, South Korea, Russian Federation


    Awards and Achievements

    • Outstanding worker of public health service of the Republic of Kazakhstan
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