About Physician



About Physician

    • Physician of Superior Merit



    • 1998-2004 – ‘Semey’ Medical University NJSC (SSMA), specialty: General Medicine
    • Master’s degree program in МВА


    Main areas of clinical and scientific activity

    • Endoprosthetics of knee and hip joints using computer navigation;
    • Modular endoprosthetics of major joints of the lower extremities, preventive osteosynthesis in case of treatment of
      oncological patients with bone auto transplantation;
    • Thermal injuries with purulent skeletal-related events;
    • Abscision of extremities of various complexity, osteoplastic, mioplastic surgeries, autodermoplasty using local tissues, split-skin grafts, cosmetic surgeries;
    • Myoplasty in case of defects of extensor mechanism of oncologic patients in case of endoprosthetics of knee joint, application of
      cryolysis method and RFA for oncologic patients


    Additional training and probation:

    • Passed additional training and probation in the USA, Germany, Israel, Russia, Georgia and South Korea.


    Awards and Achievements

    • Letter of gratitude from RSCEC JSC
    • Certificate of Merit from NMH JSC
    • Outstanding worker of public health service of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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