Magnetic Resonance Imaging

4 simple steps to pass the examination under Compulsory Social Health Insurance

Contact your local physician at the place of registration

Contact your local physician at the place of registration

Get a referral for an examination

Get a referral for an examination

To make an appointment for a CT/MRI/X-ray examination

To make an appointment for a CT/MRI/X-ray examination

Obtain the results in Damumed App and from your primary care physician within 2 working days

Obtain the results in Damumed App and from your primary care physician within 2 working days


If there are metallic objects or devices with metal in the body, they will be attracted to magnets, and that is not safe. MRI studies are allowed for patients with:

  • titanium implants
  • braces
  • prosthetic joints
  • titanium spinal brackets

These may be:


  • metallic prostheses
  • cardiac pacemakers
  • defibrillators
  • neurostimulators
  • Surgical implants (clips, joints, etc.)
  • drug delivery pumps
  • cochlear implants
  • bullets or other metallic foreign bodies that have entered the body in accidents
  • 1st trimester of pregnancy


  • claustrophobia
  • it is impossible to lie without movement
  • defibrillators
  • Contraindications are not absolute; each case should be discussed individually with a physician. The same relates to pregnancy: in general the procedure is not recommended, but in some cases the benefit outweighs the risk.


Magnetic resonance imaging is used more often than other methods to detect diseases and injuries of soft tissues.


The examination takes 30-60 minutes.

During this time, the patient lies inside the tomograph as motionless as possible. If necessary, sedation (anesthesia) can be used.


Attendance is strictly by appointment


Doctor’s referral or written doctor’s recommendation in the consultation sheet / extract from the outpatient card (if available)

Preparation for the examination (MRI of the abdominal cavity)

  • Do not eat 3 hours before the examination.
  • Do not drink heavily (do not feel thirsty)
  • Do not eat gas-forming foods (vegetables, bread, fruits, full-cream milk) within 2 days.

If there will be sedation (anesthesia), obligatory documents

  1. Clinical blood count
  2. Heart electrocardiogram

Important information

The procedure may have specific features depending on what part of the body is to be examined and who is being examined:

  • If the procedure is performed for a child, one of the parents may present during the whole examination.
  • A break of 5-6 hours in food and water intake is required before MR cholangiography and MRI of the abdominal cavity.
  • If sedation (anesthesia) is used, it is prohibited to eat or drink for 6 hours before the examination. There are additional requirements for sedation (anesthesia) (CBC and ECG)
  • MRI of the pelvic organs is performed on an empty stomach with the use of drugs that reduce intestinal motility, preferably during the first phase of the cycle (women).
  • Weight restriction 100 kg
  • Wear comfortable clothes without metallic parts and remove metal accessories.
  • 611

    МРТ хиазмально-селлярной области без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ хиазмально-селлярной области с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ головного мозга без контраста (1 зона) + МРА TOF 3D

    25000 тг.


    МРТ головного мозга с контрастом (1 зона) + МРА TOF 3D

    38000 тг.


    МР-ангиография без контраста

    7000 тг.


    МР-венография головного мозга без контраста

    5000 тг.


    МРТ орбит без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ орбит с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ внутреннего уха, мосто-мозжечкового угла без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ внутреннего уха, мосто-мозжечкового угла с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ плечевого сустава (1 сустав)

    25000 тг.


    МРТ локтевого, голеностопного суставов, кисти, стопы (1 зона)

    25000 тг.


    МРТ коленного сустава (1 сустав)

    25000 тг.


    МРТ 2-х тазобедренных суставов

    25000 тг.


    МРТ любого сустава с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ органов брюшной полости без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ органов брюшной полости с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ молочных желез с контрастом

    65000 тг.


    МРТ молочных желез без контрастирования

    40000 тг.


    МРТ органов малого таза без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ органов малого таза с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ шейного отдела позвоночника без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ шейного отдела позвоночника с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ грудного отдела позвоночника без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ грудного отдела позвоночника с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ поянично-крестцового отдела позвоночника без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ пояснично-крестцового отдела позвоночника с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    МРТ прочих органов без контраста

    25000 тг.


    МРТ прочих органов с контрастом

    38000 тг.


    Дообследование МРТ с контрастом

    20000 тг.


    Второе чтение КТ, МРТ из других ЛПУ

    12000 тг.

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